
#10bestmovieposter MOTHER'S DAY

creepy rite? ini film 1980.
sebenarnya ilustrasinya biasa saja dan emang horror.
terus kenapa suka? saya suka tag line di film ini.
"i'm so proud of my boys. ther never forget their mamma"
judulnya pun sangat so sweet. Mother's day dengan O yang berbentuk hati

reviewnya begini:
"..Three girls discover that two men are willing to do anything
to impress Mother and what impresses Mother is watching
her son commit acts of rape and murder. Now these women are prisoners and
lowered to pawns in the game of checkers between two dim wits and their
Maniac Mommy and the question becomes, can any of them escape, alive?.."

sekali sekali tontonlah horor jadul daripada horor porno :p

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