
[should never] give up

you (and yes, of course me) should never give up what you love.
but you feel useless and can not do anything
to change it, what will you do then?

i am a person who easily discouraged, easy to give up on reality,
follow the flow that whoever set it up in such a way.

i breathe, trying to follow the flow that already exists.
i saw, trying to understand the meaning of the story
i smiled, trying to cheer my own feelings.
i think, trying to organize my thoughts until i realized

i'm foolish.


f for fortunately

i dislike risk, but i always run at it.
i felt better on my nerd skin, and wasted too much time
thinking it was better to be cool. fortunately, i was the only one who really thought
i was cool at the time. good thing.


FRIDAY i'm tired

semester 3 telah datang! yay! kuliah yang...bener sih cuma 3 hari, tapi langsung bikin seharian cuma duduk sambil melototin dosen. full seharian kuliah doang. belum lagi tugas yang antri minta dikerjain dan dikumpulin.
harus nyolong nyolong waktu buat ngegambar dan nyelesein beberapa kerjaan. anyway, sekarang uda punya hobi baru, yaitu BACA BUKU. benernya aku orang yg males banget baca buku, apalagi novel novel teenlit, baru kemarin ini ngeh kalo benernya aku juga suka baca, cuma belum nemu jenis buku yang bikin betah buat dibaca. dan akhirnya aku telah menemukan jenis buku apa, yaitu..............novel sastra yang ga banyak percakapannya :')

*harusnya sih foto waktu baca novel yak :))


KILL THE LIAR #4 Purple, The Triangle

yeyy! KILL THE LIAR #4 is out now!
sling bag with triangle native pattern.
it's so edgy and so eye-catching!

material: soft canvas - embroidery - zipper
size: 37 x 35

price: 80.000.-


message me: 081945542209
or mention me @nicepupud



Happy Ied Mubarak

karena sibuk dengan acara silahturahmi keluar kota, pergi pagi pulang malam
besoknya pergi lagi dan begitu selama 4 harian, dan baru sempet buka blog malem ini.
dengan berlapang dada dan gembira saya ucapkan selamat hari raya idul fitri 1432H.
mohon maaf lahir batin ya :)

ps: KILL THE LIAR #4 will uploading soon